Monday, December 3, 2018

Getting ready for the Chennai music season 2018

Folks, the Chennai music season is around the corner! It is time to gather the various programme sheets, plan your visits and go to sabhas to get the season or daily tickets not to miss out the culinary delights!

Here is a quick look at the prime time programs.

Our dearest "Thala" aka Sanjay Subrahmanyan rules
the roost with 13 concerts in this season, all on prime time. He just returned from the grand finale of the Edapally Sangeetha Utsavam. Rasikas are waiting for this feast as well as dusting their Tamil literature books. One thing you can trust Sanjay to do is the way he would bring out a great Tamil poet from Sangam or modern literature and bring it to life.  Never miss out the new year (1st Jan 2019) concert at Sivagami Pethachi auditorium (in the premises of M.Ct.M  School) where a 4-hour marathon session awaits the fans. This concert has started to acquire a mark of its own. Here is to the "Men in White" - the triumvirate - Sanjay, Varadarajan and Venaktesh.

Trichur brothers are one to watch out. Last time, they got a standing ovation at the academy with their fine selection of songs. For the last few years, they have been performing at the morning / afternoon slot. It will be interesting to watch their selection of ragas and kritis.

The following four are the emerging players and continue to rock.
- Bharat Sundar (10 concerts)
- Kunnakudi Balamurali (12)
- Ramakrishnan Murthy (11)
- Sandeep Narayan (12)

Most of their free concerts, during the last season were completely full indicating their popularity and growing stature.

We have the usual Gurucharan, Abhishek Raghuram, Saketa Raman, Malladi brothers. I see the talented Ashok Ramani in fewer concerts this season.

Where is Sriram Parthasarathy? I would like to seek him out for the bubbly atmosphere he creates.

On the women front, Sudha Raghunathan has 8 concerts. Don't forget to go for her Christmas day concert at Krishna Gana Sabha. That is extremely special. Gayathri Venkatraghavan has 9 concerts vouching for her rise. Mahati can be seen at 1.30 PM slot in the academy on 18th Dec. Another melodious pair is Ranjani-Gayatri scheduled for 7 programs including the 4 PM slot at academy.

More updates on the sabha canteens soon...

Friday, November 30, 2018

No takers for philosophy?

Have you ever wondered when dictators arise, the first thing they tend to do is to silence the “Philosophers”! Why? For it is they who seem to bubble with ideas and ensure the thirst for continuous inquiry continues. Yes, the dictators and autocrats fear the philosophers and their influence on the thinking of common men and women.

What do you think studying philosophy means? This is one area where there is no set of defined answers to issues. The act of thinking deeply and critically, inquiring constantly and arriving at one’s ideas i.e. the sheer journey itself is so special. This is one subject you can be sure that those who take it up are at least interested in that subject with no other expectations.

LSE (London School of Economics) has a department – “Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method”. According to LSE, “Studying philosophy is an excellent opportunity to think deeply whilst developing important transferable skills. Choosing Philosophy as your subject will prepare you for the kind of careful thinking, critical analysis and persuasive writing that is critical in many different areas of work.”

Philosophy has multiple dimensions and aspects of inquiry. It covers ethics, politics, economics, law, metaphysics etc. Challenging questions are constantly debated and explored in philosophic inquiries.

A few examples are:

  • What is good?
  • Is it ok to sacrifice a few for the greater good of the society?
  • Is there something called “Free will”?
  • Does God exist?
  • What is an opinion, a belief? What are the types of knowledge?
  • How should the society be grouped?
  • What can we know?
  • Why should we obey the law?
  • Can we every state anything with absolute certainty?
If you are curious and has an open mind, philosophy is the subject to turn into.

Let’s go to the next topic. What can I do with a philosophy undergraduate degree? In other words, “Does it really pay?”. Very pertinent question that cannot be ignored in today’s world of survival.
Many studies have pointed to the fact that the philosophy graduates work in various departments starting from finance, science, NGOs, Government, Law and business and consistently earn well above the median average.

The students tend to do well in tests that require thinking, writing and critical judgement. Take the GRE or GMAT exam. Philosophy majors seem to get to the essence and ace the exams as entry to graduate studies.

One of the most sought-after skills in the 21st century is critical thinking, working in a team and analytical/logical bent of mind. Studying philosophy prepares one for such a rigour and it can play a role in the general life too.

For this, it would be better to see what can one be able to do after studying philosophy major:
  • To understand and articulate issues – public or otherwise clearly drawing upon philosophical learning
  • To develop an inquiring and investigative mindset
  • To attain research skills, approach any issue logically and reason it out
  • To recognize fundamental questions on life, knowledge, rights, living, society etc.
  • To hone skills in analysis, interpretation and proof
  • To apply formal techniques of logic
  • To identify central issues/messages/concerns and get to the core of the debate/text
John Campbell, a renowned philosopher, says “Philosophy is thinking in slow motion. It breaks down, describes, and assesses moves we ordinarily make at great speed.... It then becomes evident that alternatives are possible.

Starting from Socrates, Plato, Aristotle to early modern and latest era of Machiavelli, Sir Thomas More, John Calvin, Michael de Montaigne, Francis Bacon, Descartes, Boyle, Spinoza, Locke, Voltaire, Hume, KantBertrand Russell, Gödel and Camus have contributed to a better understanding of the fundamental questions, thought process and knowledge.

India has its own philosophers who have written treatises on metaphysics, materialism, justice, law, soul and body etc. Yajnavalkya was one of the earliest in the Vedic age. Many others followed including Kapila, Gautama Buddha, Mahavira, Chanakya, Patanjali, Bodhi dharma, Adi Shankara, Ramanuja, Basaveshwara, Madhvacharya, Vallabhacharya. In the modern times, Rabindranath Tagore, Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, Jiddu Kirshnamurti are notable ones propounding and exploring in various aspects of the discipline. In addition, the Upanishads and other treatises serve as philosophical and scientific inquiries.

If you are keen to enjoy such a rigorous subject, go out, fall in love and find joy in the learning process itself.

Bertrand Russell said “"Philosophy is to be studied, not for the sake of any definite answers to its questions since no definite answers can, as a rule, be known to be true, but rather for the sake of the questions themselves; because these questions enlarge our conception of what is possible, enrich our intellectual imagination and diminish the dogmatic assurance which closes the mind against speculation; but above all because, through the greatness of the universe which philosophy contemplates, the mind also is rendered great, and becomes capable of that union with the universe which constitutes its highest good."

15th November is celebrated as “World Philosophy Day” all over the world. UNESCO introduced it in 2002 with the following objectives:

  • to renew the national, sub regional, regional and international commitment to philosophy;
  • to foster philosophical analysis, research and studies on major contemporary issues, so as to respond more effectively to the challenges that are confronting humanity today;
  • to raise public awareness of the importance of philosophy and its critical use in the choices arising for many societies from the effects of globalization or entry into modernity;
  • to appraise the state of philosophy teaching throughout the world, with special emphasis on unequal access;
  • to underline the importance of the universalization of philosophy teaching for future generations. In establishing World Philosophy Day UNESCO strives to promote an international culture of philosophical debate that respects human dignity and diversity. The Day encourages academic exchange and highlights the contribution of philosophical knowledge in addressing global issues.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

CIOs and CTOs: How frequently do you perform a health check up of your portfolio?

An IT landscape, like any other real estate, grows and changes continuously. In the process, it accumulates technical debt, grows equally well in both legacy and modern technologies, redevelops functionality, creates redundant systems and keeps tweaking many products to suit the BAU scenario. On top of it, if the organization acquires another company, the diversity of the portfolio multiplies. In the entire melee, no one bothers about keeping a proper count of inventory or documentation or health of the portfolio.

Very few organizations invest in a portfolio assessment exercise and fewer do so periodically. No doubt, such an exercise is time consuming and expensive. But, the benefits of a proper exercise, if done well, will help the organization to take decisions faster. Not knowing the extent of technical debt or the inability of the agility of the portfolio will creep up more and more work in every IT project and eventually pull back the organization’s ability to develop new differentiating products or services.
Now the industry is moving from on-premises to cloud; legacy to differentiating technologies; from systems that are obsolete or about to go out of support to open sources; separate development and support to DevOps; waterfall methodology to agile; sedate landscape to one that evolves and learns. Consequently, the focus of such assessment exercises should bring out these factors in the form of metrics.

Based on my experience, here is a primer in the form of FAQ on such an exercise:

What is such an exercise called?

It is typically known by various names. Some of them are APA (Application Portfolio Assessment), APR (Portfolio rationalization) or APO (Portfolio Optimization) or APM (Portfolio Modernization).

How frequently this should be carried out?

Once in three years is a minimum. This should be modified depending on the growth of the organization in terms of IT systems, inorganic acquisition of other entities etc. If the pace of change is more, once in 2 years will be better.

What is the duration and involvement of such an exercise?

The duration can range from 1 to 3 months depending on the quality of the IT assets and configuration data base maintained. Involvement from Product owners, Enterprise architects, procurement and senior management will be required. This initiative should be owned and driven from the CTO’s office.

Let’s talk about the outcome of a typical APA exercise.

Once we understand the output, the activities to be done, during the exercise, can be inferred easily. For the purpose of clarity, let’s look at the output as consisting of two parts:
  1. Part-1 is about metrics that indicate the health of the landscape across various dimensions
  2. Part-2 is about resulting initiatives and recommendations.

What does Part-1 focus on?

This has 2 sets of metrics. First set focuses on hygiene factors; the second set on value added parameters. The hygiene set should address, at the minimum on the completeness, quality and currency of data pertaining to the following 7 dimensions:
  1. Inventory (List of applications and related details like description, technology, # users etc.)
  2. Mapping (Business capability or function to Platform Platform to IT application and IT application to Infra)
  3. Product Usage (Product Name, associated details, Extent of customization of the product, Vendor)
  4. License (Vendor, License, ILF – Initial License Fee, RLF – Recurring License Fee, Contract expiry date etc.)
  5. Documentation (Required documents for understanding the system, required documents for providing support/development of the system)
  6. Technical debt (a quick assessment in the form of KLOC – Kilo Lines of Code or Cost)
  7. Cost related (Various cost elements including but not limited to resources, service provider, product vendor, license vendor, compute, network, storage, cloud etc.)

The second  value-added set should focus on the ability of the IT organization to closely align with business and quickly respond to the changing needs without undue lag. What are the areas to focus here?

Cloud readiness – Cloud is great leveler of the landscape and imposes more uniformity and standardization without compromising on the business capability. How much of the landscape can be easily shifted from on-premises to cloud?

Platformication readiness – How are the IT systems and infra being developed? Do they lend themselves to a vertical clean cut enabling business, application, data and infra layer to go towards a platform or a utility model? Typically the top 30 to 40% of the landscape that are key to the business should fall into this bucket.

System of innovation and differentiation – All the systems can be bucketed into system of records (back office, core, legacy that undergo little change), differentiation (the middle layer that gives opportunities to differentiate the services) and innovation (the key ones that are integral and unique to the organization’s capability). As the landscape matures, more and more systems should move from records to differentiation and differentiation to innovation. That way, more and more of the landscape will lend itself to agility and help in a faster turn around.

DevSecOps readiness – How are changes implemented in the portfolio? How is support provided? Is there a wall between them? What type of people are being used across the landscape? What is the release periodicity? Is the entire IT operating on a single cadence even if many methodologies are followed? How is security principles embedded in the life cycle? Today’s world is taking the landscape towards a common set of cadence with no blockers to the ground.

Skill readiness – The organization should adopt a uniform system across its internal as well as external employees / contractors / service providers to denote the skill and competency. Dreyfuss or SFIA can be adopted. This help in talking the same language, drawing up training plan, cross-skilling of people, providing a career path etc.

Tell us about Part-2 of the outcome

Once the above is complete, various metrics can be collected that can provide a useful basis for arriving at a set of recommendations. We can classify the recommendations into 3 categories:

Category-1: Hygiene initiatives

All the hygiene factors, mentioned in part-1, should be ranked on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being high quality, complete and up to date). Wherever the score is below 5, a program plan for bringing it to 8+ should be provided. If the score is > 5, either a separate plan or as a by-product of a major upgrade/project should be specified.

Whatever it is, by a certain time line, all the hygiene factors should be brought to 8+. Even if no modernization is undertaken, this is very important. Otherwise, this will drag the entire development and release.

Category-2: Extrinsic initiatives

These should address factors like the following:
  1. Data centre Consolidation (Number and locations)
  2. Service Provider Consolidation (for a given IT spend, how many service providers should exist? 
  3. Scope for consolidation; Dependency vs Risk vs Savings)
  4. License Optimization (Optimization of licenses across the organization, management of RLFs, negotiation with vendors etc.)

Category-3: Intrinsic initiatives

These arise from within the portfolio and enable the organizations to move to a certain state. Every state should be characterized by the set of value-added factors mentioned in part-2.

Some of these could be:
  • Categorization of applications into those that can be decommissioned, migrated and modernized and consequent programs to implement the same. All the initiatives (a functional migration, technical reengineering, refactoring etc.) should be ranked according to the RoI, Time taken to implement and risk including cost of change across the organization. Implementing such initiatives will lead to reduced application intensity, reduced technology spread etc.
  • Program plan for increasing the cloud usage
  • Program plan for bringing the entire organization into uniform DevOps or DevSecOps
  • Program plan for eliminating niche, obsolete and other technologies that will soon go out of support
  • Program plan for baselining the skill, productivity and measurement across the landscape

Tell us about the stakeholders

These exercises should be driven by the CxO through an appointed PO (Program Owner). A ToR (Terms of Reference) of such an exercise, objective, timeline and involvement and support of different stakeholders should be drawn up and roadshows held one to two months before the exercise. The program should be part of the CxO’s steering committee. A dashboard indicating how the health and agility of the portfolio evolves during the next 3-year is a must.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Potential introduction of a digital currency called e-Krona by Swedish Central Bank

Usage by % of Households in Sweden
As the markets change rapidly, one important aspect is the movement towards a cashless society. Sweden is at the forefront of technological changes in terms of electronic money and payment systems. The Swedish Riksbank has started a project on the feasibility of introducing digital currency e-krona in place of the usual cash krona.

But once the population moves away from cash, will it rob them of flexibility? Will it make them more dependent on private players and payment systems? What roles does the central bank want to play? All these conundrums are being studied by the central bank. Digital money, by itself, is not something new. The Riksbank already deals with digital money with its participant banks but not the public.

Two important factors of Swedish market are as follows:

The cash to GDP ratio is the lowest in the world for Sweden. Most people do not use cash at all so much so that the tourists have started complaining!

The growth of alternative payment solution providers like Swish. Created by the Nordic banks and used by > 50% of Swedes, this is challenging the unicorns in the field.

Just Swish it to me” will be the familiar phrase in Sweden when sharing bills or sending payments.  The steps are so simple in Swish – Open the landing page, enter the counterparty’s phone number, amount and comment, Mobile BankID app opens to authenticate payment, confirm with an option to send a text to the recipient and actual transmission without any fee. The transfer is instant and free of charge for private users. No wonder, the swedes have fallen in love with it. 6.5 million users! Norway and Denmark too use similar systems called Vipps and MobilePay. Look at its amazing growth...

Given these, no wonder, the Riksbank doesn’t want to introduce e-Krona without doing a feasibility study and its impact. It will be worth the wait to see how the payment systems and related settlement systems will be reconfigured.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How to address technical debt in an evolving IT landscape?

Can you wipe out technical debt from your enterprise landscape? Can you always remain one step ahead? These are tough questions that require a calibrated answer. Before answering, we need to understand what is meant by technical debt, why it occurs and ways to manage them.

The first realization should be that technical debt is bound to happen no matter your toll gates and quality check.  The second is an organized program should be initiated, at periodic intervals, to estimate the size and manage its growth. The third is that not all technical debt is bad.
Like a financial debt, if not managed or contained, it would grow to such an extent that it affects the time to market, sink the morale of employees and cease to make the IT shop attractive. Technical debt accrues interest in the sense that it can generate new debts and make it progressively difficult to manoeuvre the development. Tech debt will always be there.


In simple terms, it is the marginal (incremental) work required to complete the software development in order to address the drawbacks. It doesn’t apply only to those projects that are in development stage. It follows even when it is in BAU (Business As Usual). Technical debt holds the organization back from introducing new functionality quickly. We can get an estimate of the debt as the time or money required for refactoring. This refactoring could result in change in design, cleaning up of bad code or porting to a new technology.

What causes technical debt?

The experts cite 4 major reasons for introduction of technical debt.

Cause #1 - Poor Conception: It is the rush or speed in delivery that causes poorly designed software.

Cause #2 – Poor Scheduling: Underestimating the time to develop a product or complete a project often is the culprit that introduces technical debt.

Cause #3 - Bad and inconsistent development practices: Various developers working across different modules tend to introduce their own practices that affect the design and possibly rebuild the logic independently.

Cause #4 - Outdated Technology: As technology evolves, software standards become higher every day. With each improvement, new technical debt can arise.


Type #1: Intentional debt – The software engineers almost always know the right way to code something and the quicker to way to do it. In many cases, the quick way also turns out to be the right way and in others, it may not be. To quickly deliver a project or a product, the functionality will be achieved but not in the best possible manner.

Type #2: Design tech debt – Do we spend time thinking ahead? Or Do we future-proof our design with quicker delivery? As systems become richer with more functionality, the developers may find implementing a new feature very difficult. It may be easier to refactor the original design if it was constructed in a suitable manner. If not, what do you do? Be ready to bite the bullet and get into significant refactoring.

Type #3: Obsolete debt – As many people work on a system, it tends to evolve in a rotten manner. Some symptoms like copy-paste and cargo-cult programming can be easily seen to identify this type. This is directly incurred by the developers. This is one debt that we should avoid in a consistent manner.

Another way to look at this is using the following quadrant that classifies using two dimensions – deliberate or accidental and manner of introduction of such debt.

How to manage this?

Type #1 – Record the debt as backlog at the time it is incurred. This can be revisited later.

Type #2 – Whenever the system is in steady state BAU, allocate some time to look at this type of debt and see if any refactoring has to be done.

Type #3 – Continuous refactoring is the solution to address this. Very experienced and strong teams tend to take time to understand the design of the system before they work on it. When they work, the improve the design incrementally and clean up the bad code en route.

Measures / Signs of technical debt:

Source Code Formatting: It is a common measure. Insisting on the right tool as well as template during and before the SDLC can reduce this type.

Low Test Coverage: It is a measure of code quality. A very low level of the test coverage reduces the certainty of the accuracy of the software's behaviour and makes it difficult to solve problems when they occur.

Lack of Modularity: This generally results from a poor code design. Some code sometimes serves different business logic. The more codes developers write, the more lack of modularity can bottleneck. It is harder to manage software that has logic all over the codes and have parts of codes handling several logic.

Code Complexity: Complexity can be measured in several different ways, but it measures the dependence and path length to perform an operation. A long path leads to complex code.

Lack of the Documentation: Documentation is part of software development best practices. The software is often driven to evolve. It is important that the written code is always understood at all times by everyone who may be involved in the development process.

One approach is to perform a static analysis of code using tools that support the analysis. The following is a list of the most popular tools used: Coverity, SonarQube, Checkstyle, Closure Compiler.

There are two ways of measuring technical debt. The first one is to get a ratio of technical debt according to code volume, and the second one is to use directly the estimates given by the tools (like SonarQube), along with the list of technical debts and their references to the code, SonarQube gives an estimate in days or hours needed to fix this debt. For the ratio approach, we can use the initial estimates or even better, the overall time needed to develop the software so far and extrapolate the value according to the technical debt ratio. The time needed for the development is very accurate so measuring technical debt from ratio can give an accurate estimate of the work needed to fix the issues.

How to Reduce or Eliminate Technical Debt

Being agile is the best way of managing technical debt and reducing it when it appears. The sooner we address the issue, the less interest we'll have to pay over time. To address technical debt, software development teams can use the following approach.

The Quickest to Solve: Fixing debts that take little time to fix is an excellent way to eliminate technical debt gradually. Debts like code formatting can be solved in a little time, making up a template and apply these templates to all the codes that have been developed so far, then integrate these templates in the tools used by the developers.

Priority: It is also important to address issues by priority. All issues that can lead to more significant issues should be addressed quickly and should be prioritized to avoid accumulation.

Technology Update: When outdated technology leads to technical debt, it is important to update the software to the newest versions of the frameworks, application servers, databases etc. It is even important to include every stable evolution of a framework used for instance to always have the latest update and to bring small change without breaking the software.

Refactoring: Reviewing the software architecture and refactoring codes often can be useful when we don't want to end up with duplicate code or codes that lack modularity.

The quadrant, shown, can help to categorize the technical debt to identify which ones to fix first. There are many such approaches. Coming to agile processes, how to estimate / eliminate technical debt? It should be entered in the product backlog as a user story and should be prioritized like any user story. The prioritization should take into account the impact of not managing technical debt identified at the beginning of a new iteration. When deciding which stories to include in the next development iteration, we should analyze whether postponing technical debt correction for the next iteration is more or less advantageous in the long term. As a rule of thumb, we should address every critical issue as soon as it is identified.

Closing remarks

We have to learn to live with certain amount of technical debt. A good IT shop will always have a handle on the measure in terms of either the time or money needed to fix the accumulated debt to a manageable level. Understanding of different types of debt and the rate at which the organization accumulates will help in introducing specific measures to eliminate or minimize such debt.


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Skills relevant for the 21st Century and the role of Universities

What are the skills relevant for the coming decades? Are our institutions imparting them? Two important observations stand out especially in our Indian context:
  1. There is a growing feeling that more and more focus, especially in India, is given to STEM at the cost of all other subjects. In fact, we can go on to say that those taking up humanities are frowned upon.
  2. How relevant are the skills being imparted? Do they help the students fit into the society better and prepare them for solving the problems of tomorrow?
Assuming the key focus of education, amongst many others, is to prepare students for the job market, there is an inherent assumption that how the job market will look like and what skills would be necessary are well known. Sorry to throw a spanner in the works!  The rate of change is so fast that a research suggests that 35% of the skills necessary to thrive in the job market today will be different 5 years now. Former HCL Technologies CEO Vineet Nayar, once, remarked that 50% of revenues, 5 year thence, would come from services that did not exist in the present. Though the statement was made in the context of a specific industry, it applies equally well. Is this alarming? Yes and No.

Mr Bullrich, Education Minister of Argentina, succinctly summed it up:

Argentina is making rapid progress. In Finland, the “teachers” are the best paid and command a huge respect. Self-discovery, team play and soft skills dominate.

It is worth recalling the following comment:
“We prepare children to learn how to learn, not how to take a test,” said Pasi Sahlberg, a former math and physics teacher who is now in Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture. “We are not much interested in PISA. It’s not what we are about.”

India has started opening up recently with a view to discovering the long lost “Liberal Arts and Sciences”. Universities like Ashoka, FLAME, Jindal, Shiv Nadar University and Krea are some examples where attempts are being made to help the students discover their true passion. It is true that data is going to be the oil of this century. That doesn’t mean that everyone should aim to become data scientist. A combination of analytical, technical, linguistic skills will be required. No problem of today can be understood and analysed within a single dimension. To solve the poverty problem, economic, data, sociological and technical skills will be required. It is all the more reason that team work will dominate.

Take a step back and go into our own old system. A student was expected to learn from a variety of areas starting from philosophy, logic, math etc. Then they were encouraged to discover the areas they would like to delve deep. Our very own interwoven system of learning was forced into oblivion and the western influence came. Instead of taking relevant aspects, we completely immersed ourselves into the new system and rewarded rote memory. In the process, we also encouraged people who take up science subjects look down on those who are passionate about history or literature!
Let’s take a look at the skills that are going to be required to survive and grow:
-          Complex problem solving
-          Critical thinking
-          Creativity
-          People management
-          Coordinating with others
-          Emotional intelligence
-          Judgement and decision making
-          Service orientation
-          Negotiation.

These skills also have a common characteristics i.e. they cannot be easily done by machines and would still be relevant in the artificial intelligence dominated world.

Coming back to the universities and institutions of learning, there is a rush to get higher and higher in the rankings. Common rankings include QS, ARWU etc. Singapore set up a target, pumped in resources, hired super star professors, increased throughput and systematically moved up higher. NUS (National University of Singapore) and NTU (Nanyang Technological University) are well in the top consistently. China’s Tsinghua, along with Korea, Japan and HK universities are in the top. We have our very own IITs/NITs and other eminent institutes. We bemoan the fact that we don’t have top ranking universities yet. There is a renewed thrust. Does this really mean the teaching is good and the students are churned to be future ready learners? We don’t know yet. One thing that these ranking may not take into account significantly is the effectiveness of teaching at the undergraduate levels. The ranking may not reflect this adequately. It may reward research or Post-graduate academics much more. This is where our institutions can make a big difference. This is not to say that we should stop aiming for high ranks!

How do you impart the quality of “Learning never stops”? Learning is not a reflection of what has happened so far. If that were the case, there would be only one way of doing things right. Today’s problems require not only analysis from multiple perspectives but require tools from different fields to solve. In Argentina, the new changes ensure the youth are provided opportunities to learn and practice in their community. We don’t see many Scandinavian universities in the top 50. I was speaking to one of my Swedish colleague. His words were to this effect – “There are no elite universities in Scandinavia and all are equal in terms of quality. Of course, some are known in specific areas of research. But students go to those universities not based on the rank but on a host of other factors including fellow students, teaching quality, opportunities for practice etc.” Their system of education has been ranked very high. Formal schooling starts at 6 or later. By that time, in India, we may have enrolled him/her in a coaching class!

Does this mean a student is allowed to roam around for 3 or 4 years of bachelor program tasting and sampling different courses just letting time fly? Not at all. If, at the end of the bachelor studies, a student cannot get up and articulate his or her basic understanding in a well-grounded context and mastery in a chosen area, the program may not have met its purpose! This is where I feel that the world is crying out for “specialists” who are grounded generalists. A biologist with love for poetry can only make the world richer. The same biologist can take up a lead role in a specific problem involving endangered species rehabilitation but prepare to take a secondary role in striking a balance between deforestation and controlled tourism perhaps allowing a environmental scientist take up a prime position. The world needs such people who can work in a team and take up varying positions that the problem demands and allow other perspectives to complement. 

Let’s allow our students to experiment, to make mistakes, to learn from others, to cultivate ability to live in the society and above all “have an appetite to continue learning”.
